Commands list
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This page shows the lists of commands that players have access to.
Basic Commands
Command | Description |
/afk | Marks you as away-from-keyboard |
/back | Teleports you to your location prior to teleport/spawn/warp/death |
/balance | States the current balance of a player |
/balancetop | Gets the top balance values |
/clearinventory | Clear all items in your inventory |
/compass | Describes your current bearing |
/sethome | Set your home to your current location |
/home | Teleport to your home |
/delhome | Remove a home |
/gamemode | Change your gamemode |
/help | View a list of available commands |
/ignore | Ignore or unignore other players |
/kit | Obtains the specified kit or views all available kits |
Manage inter-player, intra-server mail | |
/me | Describes an action in the context of the player |
/msg & /tell | Send a private message the specified player |
/pay | Pays other player from your balance |
/ping | Pong! |
/ptime | Adjust player's client time. |
/pweather | Adjust a player's weather |
/seen | Shows the last logout time of a player |
/skull | Set the owner of a player skull |
/suicide | Causes you to perish |
/tpaccept | Accept a teleport request |
/tpadeny | Reject a teleport request |
/spawn | Teleport to the spawnpoint |
VIP Commands
Command | Description |
/enderchest | Let you see inside an enderchest |
/hat | Get some cool new headgear |
/speed | Change your speed limits. |
/tpa | request to teleport to the specified player |
/tpahere | Request that the specified player teleport to you |
/tpacancel | Cancel all outstanding teleport requests |
/workbench | Opens up a workbench |