Starobrno Arena

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Starobrno arena (officialy named Starobrno Center) is an arena in Komeburg used mainly for ice hockey. Its home of Gardellia Hockey League team Komeburg COMETS.

Starobrno Center
Basic data
Built 1958
Home team Komeburg COMETS
Capacity 2844
Rink dimensions 57x23

Interesting facts

The arena is known for many standing places. (total 1563)

the cost of building the arena has multiplied several times

the arena was originally built for the dimensions of the 61x30 ice rink, but due to GHL standards it was radically rebuilt in 2016.

Main enterance (Silesian avenue)


SEATING: = 1542

STANDING = 1563 (of which 106 for away fans)

VIP = 64



TOTAL = 3205


When the city council decided to create a new ice rink, the original plans were completely different from the ones today. The stadium was originally at the other end of the Lužánky sports complex (at that time a sports complex of liberation), and its original intended capacity was only 1500 (1000 of which were standing). The construction was completed in 1958 and COMETS first match was against Greenville Desert (cancelled in 1975). In 1961, the League A finals were first played here, where COMETS lost tin a series 2:3 against Johnsontown Chemopetrol. For the second time, the League A final was played in 1963, when home COMETS managed to defeat Greenville Desert in a series 3:1. The next finals were played here in 1964,1968 1974, 1980, 1995, 1996, 1999, 2001, 2003 and 2010. In 2012, COMETS, for financial and disciplinary reasons had to leave League A. In 2016, Starobrno Center underwent a major reconstruction due to the possible return of COMETS to hockey (to new league called GHL), when the arena was completely renovated, including all the illumination on the ceiling.